When you have access to the questionnaire portal you can explore which questionnaires are available for your organisation on the Questionnaires page.
You can send a questionnaire to a client, view the results and download the results.
Downloading the results
You can download the results of each questionnaire separately, directly from the results page. It is also possible to export the entire care plan. This will create a zip file containing the results of the questionnaires. You can save the questionnaires you need from the zip file folder. More information about downloading the dossier can be found in this article: How to download the dossier - for Professionals
Can't find the answer to your question?
Click on the blue Support button to contact us or send us an email via info@therapieland.nl of info@gezondeboel.nl
You can also reach us by phone, from Monday to Friday between 9.00 and 17.00h via 020-7712848 for Therapieland or via 020-8545108 for Gezondeboel.