
In the account settings you can indicate whether you want to receive notifications by email or not.

You can find your account settings by clicking on the arrow icon at the top of the page.
A black arrow icon pointing down.

When you are logged in as a client you can click on the profile icon instead of on the arrow.
A blue circle with a person icon in the middle of it.

After that you can open the settings page by clicking on the gear icon.

A black gear icon and the text Settings.


When you select Notifications you can toggle all email notifications, such as notices about activity and new messages, on or off. 

A form with which you can set whether or not you want to receive emails from Therapieland by means of an on and off switch.

When you set the switch to "off" you will only receive notifications on the platform itself. These notifications will appear when you click on the bell icon at the top of the page. 

A screenshot of a notification within the platform. The text says: No new notifications and an older notification is visible saying: Your professional has changed something in your care plan.

Can't find the answer to your question?

Click on the blue Support button to contact us or send us an email via of
You can also reach us by phone, from Monday to Friday between 9.00 and 17.00h via 020-7712848 for Therapieland or via 020-8545108 for Gezondeboel.