Adding a colleague to a care plan

When you monitor a client together with another professional or have to transfer a client to a colleague you can add an extra professional to a care plan.

A screenshot showing who can access the careplan. It shows the initials of a professional in a black circle and a person icon with a plus sign next to it.

Can access

To add an extra professional to a care plan you go to the Clients page and click on the name of the client in question to open the care plan. On the right side of the page you see a list of professionals who have access to this care plan. Here you can add another professional. To do this click on the person icon with the plus sign next to it, this will open a popup screen in which you can look up a colleague.

A screenshot of a form with which you can share a care plan with a colleague. There is a search form with the text Search inside your organisation, a white button with the text Cancel and a blue button with the text Add.

Share with

Enter the name of the colleague you want to give access into the search field. When you have found the colleague you click on the name and subsequently on 'Add'. Your colleague wil receive an invitation via email and their name will appear in the list of professionals that can access the care plan.

A screenshot showing who is able to access the care plan after another professional has been invited. It shows the names of the professionals and next to the second name in the list it says Invitation sent against an orange background.

In this way you are able to add multiple professionals to a care plan.


When you have added another professional and it is not necessary that you keep access to a care plan you can archive it. To do this go to the care plan and click on 'Archive'. You will be given the option to download the care plan now, but you can still do this at a later time from the Archive page. Archiving a care plan is irreversible, you will not be able to reactivate them yourself, but the Helpdesk will be able to do this for you.

Would you like to know more about the client overview page?

Read our Client Overview - user guides for professionals

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