I want to deactivate or delete my account

When you don't want to make use of the platform anymore you can deactivate or delete your account.

If you deactivate your account your data will be saved and you can still decide to reactivate your account at a later time. If you delete your account all data will be gone.

You can find the option to deactivate or delete your account under Settings. You can only delete your account when there is no connection with a professional anymore. When there is still a connection, you will not see the option to delete your account, only the option to deactivate your account will be visible. In such a case you can send a message to your professional to ask if they can archive your care plan.

A screenshot of the settings page showing the title Account changes and two buttons: one with the text Deactivate and one with the text Delete. With these buttons you can delete or deactivate your acount.

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Click on the blue Support button to contact us or send us an email via info@therapieland.nl of info@gezondeboel.nl
You can also reach us by phone, from Monday to Friday between 9.00 and 17.00h via 020-7712848 for Therapieland or via 020-8545108 for Gezondeboel.