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  2. User Guides for Professionals

Dashboard - user guides for professionals

The dashboard is your starting point for the platform. Here you will find the most important information for your account at a glance and from here you will be able to navigate to other pages.

Gray icons

Would you like to read more about the different sections? Please check out the other user guides that are linked here.

A white questionmark in a black circle. Support and contact. Clicking on this icon will open our support page with articles that might answer your question and if that is not the case you can also contact our Helpdesk directly by sending an email.
A black bell icon. Notifications. This will show you if there are any new notifications about your client's activities.
A black text balloon icon. Chat. Use this to read your messages or start a new conversation with a client.
A black arrow icon pointing down. If you work for multiple organisations you can switch between them here. Clicking on this will also open a menu with the following two icons.
A black gear icon. Settings. Here you can change your email address and password, generate backup tokens for 2-factor authentication and switch between languages.
A black icon symbolizing a power switch. Log Out

Blue icons

Would you like to read more about the different sections? Please check out the other user guides that are linked here.

A blue house icon with the text Dashboard on the right side of it. Your starting point on the platform.
A blue icon of three people with the text Client on the right side of it. Overview of all clients.
A blue circle icon with three white dots connected with white lines, and the text Treatments on the right side of it. Every treatment that is included in your package and those that are not.
scr_nav_questionnaires Overview of all questionnaires.


The dashboard has a widget with a donut chart that shows information about:

  1. In the green area: Clients who have been active in the last two weeks. 
  2. In the orange area: Clients who have not been active in the last two weeks. 
  3. In the red area: Clients who have been invited, but have not responded yet. 


Above this widget there is a button you can use to invite a new client to work together via a care plan.


In addition to this the dashboard also has these optional elements:

  • If you have a license for videocalling you will see the widget to plan an appointment.
  • Your organisation can provide a top 5 of recommended treatments. These programs will then appear in a list on the dashboard. Contact us if you want us to set this up for your organisation.
    In black, the title 'Recommended treatments' with underneath that the text 'Explore treatments recommended by your organization. Below that is a list of 5 treatments.
.User Guides for Professionals

Would you like more information about working with our platform? Check out our other user guides here: User Guides for Professionals

Can't find the answer to your question?

Click on the blue Support button to contact us or send us an email via info@therapieland.nl of info@gezondeboel.nl
You can also reach us by phone, from Monday to Friday between 9.00 and 17.00h via 020-7712848 for Therapieland or via 020-8545108 for Gezondeboel.